Wednesday, May 03, 2006

And in other news...

I've been accepted into the Classics Department's Greek Field Trip for this summer. Much Joy.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, awesome. Is that the same one Brony went on last year? (you know Brony, right?)

[I am now jealous]

Stephanie said...

I know Bronny, and she's in the Classics Dept so I'm assuming yes.

>[I am now jealous]
I'm not even a bit sorry. [gloats some more, before going back to dinner]

Stephanie said...

And in other other news, I am but an ironing board away from finishing my nice new green trousers. :-)

Anonymous said...

You know I would kill to go to Greece right? Well, no. Not really. But it is at the very top of my list of things to do. *mutters*

You had better take VERY good photos. Actually, do you think you could carry around a video camera linked up to a website or something? :D

Anonymous said...

As I said on the phone today I am also insanely jealous. Mind you, at my advanced age a tour of Greece and Crete would probably have to be a little more on the luxurious side - the aged bones wouldn't handle too much plodding around archealogical sites. Now a nice luxury hotel, hot and cold running waiters and transport to places of interest .....Maybe I've won Lotto - haven't checked the ticket yet, live in hope. To travel hopefully is better to arrive and be disappointed - or something.
Cheers, your aged relative.liz

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congrats :) You should talk to Sass who is 48hr filming with us this year, I know she'd love to reminisce about her field trip!

(er, ps. I am not a crazy stalker, I just remembered that someone said you had a blog and searched on lj)