Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mmm. Hot banana cake.

A couple of days ago, I realised that I was due and past due to give my cat a worming pill.

One towel, two attempts, a strapping young lad, butter, a pill popper, and a lot of hurt feelings all around (except, I think, for the strapping young lad) later, and the job is completed. And no-one's bleeding or has lost an eye or anything!

Have heard a rumour that it's possible to find topical dewormers, much like the defleaing liquid I already use. Really really must investigate.

Banana cake was Repton's first baking excursion that doesn't involve a bread machine. It's very yummy, and I'm sure he'll be keen to do this some more. :-)


Anonymous said...

Have heard a rumour that it's possible to find topical dewormers

OK, I have to laugh... I just read that as 'it's possible to find topical dweomers' - had to re-read three or four times before I read it as you'd written it.

Think I need sleep!

Adrexia said...

I wonder if you could make banana cake in a bread maker...

Edward Sargisson said...

I've had the same battle with a cat myself. In fact, the first time I did it Sammy bit me! In his defence, I did have my finger in his mouth at the time and he *really* didn't like it much and tried to give me fair warning.

After that, Sammy and I agreed that he'd eat his pill in a little ball of mince - until he stopped that too.

Yes, there is a topical dewormer which also does fleas. It's called Revolutions and you can get it at Animates Wellington (and probably other vets). You have to go to the vet counter to get it and they give you a little invoice to pay at the cashier.

It works well. Only issue is that you have to do it every 4 weeks which is fairly frequent compared to other methods.

I did find that the easiest way to administer it was to put Sammy on my knee or get someone to hold him in their arms. He would sit there quite happily while I administered it. The alternative, doing it on a table while wrapped in a towel, didn't go down so well with him.

Mab said...

I've used the paste that comes in a little syringe thing , which was actually fairly painless. You squirt it into the corner of their mouth, or in the case of my cat he's quite happy to lick it straight out of the tube. Funny boy.