Sunday, December 16, 2007

La la la.

The dress of awesome pinkness is now finished, down to the last hem, hook, untwisted strap and hat with matching ribbon. And it looks pretty damn good, too. :-)


Adrexia said...


Anonymous said...

I'm writing this here because I don't have a current e-mail address for you.

Is the following a good translation of "We're going on a bear hunt"?

Iter facimus ut ursos venamur

(I'm considering a custom-embroidered tee-shirt for Yvonne.)

Stephanie said...

'Venimus ad ursas venendum' would be my choice, lit. 'we go for the purpose of hunting bears,' probably because I think that gerundives are cool.

Your one would work, too, I think, although I'm reasonably sure (without having checked a dictionary) that it's 'ursa' not 'ursus.'

Stephanie said...

Or you could put 'venatum' or 'venendas' depending on what point of grammar you want to use, and it's possible that Mark who occasionally reads this blog will glance at the comments and tell me I've got something wrong.

theamazingcatherine said...

Personally, I just want to see the dress.

Anonymous said...

It turns out ursa and ursus are both correct. says "ursus", but is happy with either, translating "ursus" as "bear" and "ursa" as "she-bear; Great Bear".