Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Going Off Line

Hi all,

Tomorrow the lot of us CLAS320/420ers are shifting to Kolibari for six days. It's on the western tip of Crete, and is quite small, so I doubt there'll be internet access. So this is to say to those who've been checking for regular updates that I'm just fine, and have not been hit by a tidal wave, or a rogue riot, or kidnapped by a wandering drunken centaur, or worse, a libidinous Greek deity.

This morning we wandered around a Minoan cemetery. The site presenter, Steffany, who is a goth, made a point of climbing into one of the Mycenean stone paved graves and did a zombie impersonation. Diana, our chief lecturer, says that we have an unnatural and disturbingly recurring interest in zombies and cannibalism.

Take care,


(See you on the flip side.)


Anonymous said...

Mmm...Zombie flesh.

Repton said...

It's on the western tip of Crete, and is quite small, so I doubt there'll be internet access.

Hmm, well, maybe. But icafes are pretty ubiquotous these days, so you never know..

Stephanie said...

OK, yes, internet access, just expensive. Right now I'm in Chania with an hour free, so Hello Everybody!