Friday, May 28, 2010

To good planning

Dear Diary,

Today I successfully gave a book back by figuring that the person who owned it would probably be on the same bus into work as me. They were. :-)

In other news, my birthday was really nice, this week I signed a new contract to go work for Kiwirail Network/Ontrack, the weather is bad, and a Larp I wrote for Chimera last year is having a private rerun because someone thought it would be a nice way to celebrate her birthday. How cool is that!

Have also started to write my Larp for next Chimera in August. Is it a good sign that I'm sniggering as I type?


Unknown said...

Hip, hop, happy birthday.
Serendipitously the same day as your sister's.

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie
On a similar note, I have an item of clothing I believe might be yours. It was found on the diagonal road to the Skyline Track at the back of Crofton Downs. If it sounds like yours, give me a call - Stefan, 021 748492.