Sunday, September 27, 2009

Death By Chocolate

Is jolly good fun.

Am too hyped to sleep. Off to the secret website!


Morgan Davie said...

cool! glad you had fun! who'd your group pick for the crime? our lot couldn't decide and eventually defaulted to poor little Pearl...

Stephanie said...

The group consensus was that Jack wanted to kill Tam Artow, and coerced Pearl into serving poisoned chocolate. (I spent my whole time interviewing people on motives and family relationships and that, and found out at the end that there'd been people going into detail on who was standing where when the poisoning happened. AJ Oak, Tam Artow and Jack Az had all gone out for a ciggie when Pearl brought them a plate of chocolates, Jack took a strawberry keeping him safe from the poison.)

Arggh. Spent too long reading through the extra evidence on the website:
Internet scams affected Sue, Coco and Jack. Sue was definitely a victim of AJ's, Coco and Jack may have been. No evidence that any of them knew of the connection.

Kaz was formally known as 'Baby Harber' and is probably Pearl's missing sister Amanda.

AJ has some connection to whoever was abusing Kaz, has a physical resemblance, but can't have been the actual person, because used to be a woman. A relative of the abuser? Andrew Aztar and Bradley Trois were involved - is Aztar linked with the Az family? Trois was a business partner of Rome Gull, presumably a relative of Alison Gull.

I figure we attended the last night, which makes it OK to talk about spoilers.